The actual picture is previewed



Different layouts of the same shape can be quickly put together



Three different files, the layout size and direction are different as shown on the left side of the figure, the software can automatically judge the imposition, no need to modify the image file

The file has other objects as shown on the left side of the figure, phoenix can be directly ignored, directly imposition



The result of imposition can be changed at any time to show the effect after replacement



At the same time, the different files are on the same file page, and phoenix can quickly judge and fight the front and back



At the same time, the different files are on the same file page, and the front page is large version



At the same time, the different files are on the same file page, and the reverse is the big version



Irregular shape imposition

Manually input different quantities or csv directly into the product quantity and data, automatically calculate different layouts for selection, or calculate imposition under the existing die model



Automatic imposition calculation



Building imposition calculation



Optimized imposition calculation



Plan imposition calculation

Quickly generate reports



The display uses a total of three large versions, using two different devices to spell these different amounts of work



Can quickly modify the modification of the AB box overlap

Fully automated


Phoenix provides great flexibility to use custom scripted connections to Hot Folders, Enfocus Switch, or custom REST-based client-side standards on the web. automation!